Available Projects
Johns Hopkins University
Urology Research2024 Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research AwardsFunding is available to support multidisciplinary research in prostate cancer through the Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund and the Career Enhancement Program (CEP) and Developmental Research Programs (DRP) of the SPORE in Prostate Cancer Grant.
For the Fiscal Year 2025 funding cycle, we anticipate awarding up to $1.1 million in funding.
Pilot project, CEP, and DRP awards of $100,000 or multi-PI project awards of up to $200,000 will made available to support cutting-edge multidisciplinary scientific research on prostate cancer.
Funding is open to all JHU affiliated faculty. Partnership with a Brady Urological Institute faculty member is highly encouraged, but not required. Applications from outside the field of prostate cancer are strongly encouraged, with the intent to attract researchers into the field. These applications should include a Urology co-PI and focus on addressing prostate cancer. All awardees will be required to submit an abstract and present a poster or research talk at the annual Donald S. Coffey Urology Research Day Symposium. Funds not utilized within the defined funding period will be returned to the Walsh Fund or redistributed to other CEP/DRP awards associated with the SPORE.
Application Deadline: 5:00 PM on September 30, 2024
Funding notified by October 31, 2024
Project Period: November 1, 2024 through October 31, 2026.
Patrick C Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund Pilot Project
- $100,000 Budget
- 2 year funding period
- PI salary should not be supported
Patrick C Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Multi-PI Pilot Project
- $200,000 Budget
- 2 year funding period
- Interdisciplinary Multi-PI projects encouraged
- PI salary should not be supported
Prostate SPORE Career Enhancement Project
- $100,000 Budget
- 1 year funding period with potential for renewal
- Prioritizes Junior Investigators (Instructor, Assistant Prof)
- PIs must commit at least 15% effort towards the project
- Requires submission of an annual progress report
Prostate SPORE Developmental Research Project
- $100,000 Budget
- 1 year funding period with potential for renewal
- Prioritizes Junior Investigators (Instructor, Assistant Prof)
- Should include a laboratory component and a human endpoint
- PIs must commit at least 15% effort towards the project
- Requires submission of an annual progress report
- An additional $25,000 per year is available to support one project led by an investigator from an underrepresented racial or ethnic group that is considered underrepresented.
Please be certain that you are applying to the Patrick C. Walsh Prostate Cancer Research Fund and specify the targeted funding mechanism. All applications should include a 250-word summary that is understandable to a layperson. Questions regarding the application process should be directed to Brandy Yeater via email (dyeater1@jhmi.edu).
Kenneth Pienta, M.D.
Director, Urology Research Laboratories
Sam Denmeade, M.D., and Shawn Lupold, Ph.D.
SPORE Directors