
Investigator Eligibility

Only junior level faculty members are eligible for the ACS IRG. Junior investigators are faculty within 6 years of their first independent faculty appointment or equivalent (e.g., Instructor, Assistant Professor, and Research Assistant Professor). Investigators who have already received a peer-reviewed national research grant are not eligible to apply. NIH Career Development (K) awards do not count as peer-reviewed national research grants for this purpose. Investigators who received ACS-IRG funds in prior years cannot re-apply for additional ACS-IRG funding on a new project after their initial ACS-IRG funding has been awarded. However, investigators can re-apply for a second year of funding for the same project.

Non-faculty (e.g., residents, fellows) are not eligible.

  • US citizenship is no longer a requirement. Applicants who are not U.S. citizens are welcome to apply.
  • If not a US Citizen, the applicant must have a VISA that will cover the time needed to complete the project.


Research Project Criteria

Applications are requested that focus on one of the two following themes:

  • Cancer-Related pilot projects are relevant to any aspect of basic, translational, and clinical cancer research.
  • Cancer Health Disparities pilot projects focus on poor or under-served populations and address a variety of clinical, cancer control, behavioral, epidemiologic, health policy, health services, and basic science issues. 


Allowable Costs

ACS IRG awards are $40,000. Indirect costs are not allowed. The award period is for one year. 

  • Allowable expenses include:
    • Research supplies and animal maintenance
    • Technical assistance
    • Domestic travel, when necessary to carry out the proposed research program
    • Publication costs, including reprints
    • Costs of computer time
    • Special fees (pathology, photography, etc.)
    • Stipends for graduate students and postdoctoral assistants if their role is to promote and sustain the project presented by the junior faculty member
    • Equipment costing less than $2,000. Special justification is necessary for items exceeding this amount, and permission must be obtained from the Society's Extramural Grants Department for the purchase of such equipment.
    • Registration fees at scientific meetings.
  • Non-allowable expenditures include:
    • Salary of principal investigator (pilot project grant recipient)
    • Honoraria and travel expenses for visiting lecturers
    • Secretarial/administrative salaries
    • Student tuition and student fees including graduate and undergraduate.
    • Foreign travel; however, special consideration will be given for attendance at scientific meetings held in Canada
    • Books, periodicals, or membership dues
    • Office/laboratory furniture, office equipment, or office supplies
    • Rental of office or laboratory space
    • Recruiting and relocation expenses
    • Non-medical services to patients
    • Construction, renovation, or maintenance of buildings/laboratories


Questions regarding your proposed budget can be addressed to Sarah Laye, Grants Administration, at 410-328-6198 or



  • The deadline for the ACS-IRG application is Friday, March 14th, 2025 by 5pm.
  • The Application Form must be signed by the Department Chair.
  • The internal routing form must be included for committee review and signed by the PI. 
  • Supporting documentation is not required; however should you want to add them (i.e., letters of support, photocopies of VISAS, Green cards, or progress notes), there is a place to upload them in the application portal as a separate combined pdf document. 
  • Link to the American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant Frequently Asked Questions
12/01/2024 03/14/2025
Have more questions?
Rita Stoffel